The book is called Cash in a Flash. I went to their 3 day intensified course (with the same title) focused on changing your mindset and redefining your personal and financial goals- NOW (no time for years of therapy!). Let me tell you- this was no fluffy, touchy feely, kum-by-ya seminar (well, maybe a little bit- but that was probably the most important part!). But EVERYONE left there (about 40 of us) fully charged and buzzing with life and financial goals to be achieved in 90 days. As a gift from Mark and Bob, we received 100 copies of the new book and I will have a few left after I gift them to my inner circle. Just email me at and we'll figure out how to get you one of my free copies. In case you're wondering what my 90 day Cash in a Flash goal was- you will just have to wait until it's published- soon!!! :) Read their book, watch the free videos at, and I promise you will be moved to ACTION!!! J.
Julie Gordon White, Broker BlueKey Business Brokerage 510.812.2233 cell